Practice stock market investing like fund managers

by Fintapp-Practice stock investing



Practice stock research & diversified portfolio building with virtual money

Fintapp is a stock market learning interface (mobile application) that also providesinvestment advise.It empowers beginners and pros to act like professional fund managers and createtheir own mock-up portfolios regardless of investment experience and knowledge.Fintapp has stitched 3 most critical ingredients of successful stock market investinglike fundamental analysis, diversified portfolio building & rebalancing under one roof.First the stock research engine allocates health scores, rankings & ratings to NSElisted companies as per sectors & marketcap size.Next the Portfolio building engine considers user risk appetite, prevailing marketbehaviour & budget to create personalized portfolios by spreading risk over multiplesectors & marketcapsFinally the Rebalancing engine ensure portfolios remain less volatile & deliversuperior returns.Though investors can create their own mock-up portfolios on the app, theseportfolios are only for learning and testing purpose. However, we provide simplified &professional Investment advice for investors who are actually looking to invest instock markets.FeaturesAutopilot for Beginners: Fintapp applies sophisticated algorithms, big data & clustercomputing to build mutual fund like mock up portfolios for first time stock marketinvestors as per their risk profile & budget.DIY for Experienced Investors: Fintapp empowers informed investors to act likeprofessional fund managers and create their own mock up portfolios. DIY investorscan follow our simple portfolio building templates to cherry pick suitable scrips §ors, allocate funds judiciously, diversify optimally & review periodically.SEBI Reg Investment AdvisorEconomic Times Innotribe promising BFSI startup nomineeFICCI recognised innovative startupStartup India recognizedPractice building diversified stock portfolios with virtual money.Practice stock research with simulated financial data.

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